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middle_box_01 middle_box_02The Ebusiness Forummiddle_box_06
The Ebusinessforum (www.ebusinessforum.gr) is a permanent consultation mechanism between the State, the business sector and the academic community, aiming at establishing useful measures for promoting electronic business in Greece. Executives from all business sectors participate at the Forum, together with experts from Universities and Research Institutions, the Public Sector as well as representatives of social partners and consumers. In the 48, until today, working groups that have operated since November 2000, electronic business has been approached through various points of view: institutional, technical, business, economic, social and political. More than 1.500 experts have participated in these groups, while numerous events have taken place in Athens, Thessaloniki, Herakleion, Patras, Chania, Corinthos, Chalkida, Mytilini and Hios aiming to bring into the light special issues concerning the digital economy and to sensitize businesses and citizens - consumers.  
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middle_box_01_orange middle_box_02_orangeProfilemiddle_box_06_orange
middle_box_07_orangeThe Ebusinessforum project has a budget of 3,52 M euro covering the period 01/01/20001 to 31/12/2008 although it began working by July 2000.  middle_box_09_orange
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middle_box_01_fgrey middle_box_02_fgreyStructuremiddle_box_06_fgrey
middle_box_07_fgreyIn addition: support services to EbusinessForum are provided by GRNET, while the University of Crete (Atlantis Group) maintains the web site.  middle_box_09_fgrey
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middle_box_07ResultsEbusiness Forum was voted as a best practise in Brussels (20 June 2002 - Benchmarking e-business policies in support of SMEs).  middle_box_09
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middle_box_01 middle_box_02Εξωτερική αξιολόγηση του Ebusinessforum από το Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρώνmiddle_box_06
middle_box_07evaluationΗ σελίδα αυτή παρουσιάζει την αξιολόγηση του δικτυακού τόπου του Ebusinessforum. Η εργασία αξιολόγησης έγινε από εξωτερικό αξιολογητή (Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών), σε τρεις άξονες:
  • Αξιολόγηση του περιεχομένου του κόμβου με κριτήριο την εξυπηρέτηση των στόχων του Ebusinessforum
  • Έλεγχος ποιότητας και αξιολόγηση της τεχνολογικής υποδομής σε σχέση με τις απαιτήσεις του έργου
  • Αξιολόγηση των συνεργατικών μηχανισμών που παρέχονται στις Ομάδες Εργασίας του Ebusinessforum
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Ministry of Development  Gateway to the European Union  The Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET)  Information Society  The "e-business forum" and this website fall under the OP "Information Society" (measure 3.1), implemented by GRNET S.A., confinanced to 75% by the European Regional Development Fund and 25% from national funds.
This site is created & maintained by Atlantis Group,http://www.atlantis-group.gr - University of Crete
Created and maintained with Free and Open Software http://www.open-source.gr. rss
Limitation of use - Copyright @ 2006