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orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Managing e-Government, by Socitm Insight [88 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1085
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Roadmap for e-Government in the Developing World, by Pacific Council on International Policy [204 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1559
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf State and Federal e-Government in the US, by Darrell West [132 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1303
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf The Future of e-Government, by SUNY [39 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1109
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Using Mobile Technology to Support eDemocracy, by Heide Brucher [277 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1073
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Electronic Government: Briefing to Minister of State Services and Minister of Information Technology [87 Kb]
The incoming Government has signalled, principally via the Labour Party’s ecommerce policy, that it sees Government having a key role to play in New Zealand’s information and technology environment as: a leader, a model user, a promoter of New Zealand’s interests internationally; and an active key enabler.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 991
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Governmet.nz@your.service [1385 Kb]
It has been very interesting to take stock of where we stand two years since the E-government t Strategy was fi rst released. I am continually surprised at New Zealanders’ willingness to embrace new technology. For example, over 50 percent of our homes now contain a personal computer. This is more than have dishwashers.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1045
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Revised e-Government Strategy [357 Kb]
The E-government Strategy (‘the strategy’) has been revised for the second time. This has been done to ensure that the e-government programme is driving ahead in the right directions, that agencies know what is expected of them, and that e-government challenges are understood and addressed.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1349
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Better, Faster, Cheaper portals, using e-government components [337 Kb]
This document provides guidance to government agencies and their partners on gaining leverage from the govt.nz portal infrastructure, and other e-government system building blocks, when developing their own web portal.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1195
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf eEurope Awards for eGovernment 2003 [1877 Kb]
Europe’s aim to fully reap the benefits of the Information Society has been high on the political agenda since the Lisbon Summit in March 2000. eGovernment is one of the major means to realize this objective. It is a key area of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 3584
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf E-billing and E-payments [230 Kb]
The E-government Unit (EGU) of the State Services Commission (SSC) co-ordinates the activities of separate agencies, monitor their progress and maintain the overall vision, as well as to take the lead on some projects. E-government means using digital technology to enable citizens, taxpayers and visitors to access information and services from the New Zealand Government.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1193
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf eGovernment Leadership - Realizing the Vision [939 Kb]
The E-government Unit (EGU) of the State Services Commission (SSC) co-ordinates the activities of separate agencies, monitor their progress and maintain the overall vision, as well as to take the lead on some projects. E-government means using digital technology to enable citizens, taxpayers and visitors to access information and services from the New Zealand Government.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 2924
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Top of The Web Survey on quality and usage of public e-services [325 Kb]
eGovernment has been on the international agenda for several years. The development in Europe and the rest of the world suggests a potential for more efficient and user-centered ways to deliver public services. Thus, awareness by users of these services, their willingness to use them and ease of use are important factors in the development of eGovernment.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1196
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf The Role of eGovernment for Europe's Future [221 Kb]
The public sector plays a very important role in Europe’s social and economic model by supporting high levels of welfare for citizens, ensuring socio-economic cohesion and supporting the functioning of a competitive market environment.It is engaged in a wide range of activities from education, healthcare and social security to protecting consumers and strengthening the environment. Europe’s economic strengths, such as a skilled workforce and leadership in major industries, require a proper functioning of its public sector.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 2576
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf e- what it means for governments, by George Markelos Pa Consulting Group [466 Kb]
Μια παρουσίαση σχετικά με τα οφέλη, τις προκλήσεις και τους κρίσιμους παράγοντες επιτυχίας για την ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1164
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