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SME training needs identified

Αναννεώθηκε: 15/11/2007
An analysis of the e-Government training needs of rural small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Wales, Greece, Germany, Poland and Slovenia has recently produced some interesting results that will ultimately provide the foundations for an e-Government training curriculum dedicated to the rural SME community. The analysis was based on five national workshops that explored a number of areas, including: the current level of awareness of e-Government services, actual levels of usage of these services, and rural SME training needs to encourage them to use e-Government services for business benefit.

Σχετικός σύνδεσμος: http://www.emarketservices.com/start/New

An analysis of the e-Government training needs of rural small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Wales, Greece, Germany, Poland and Slovenia has recently produced some interesting results that will ultimately provide the foundations for an e-Government training curriculum dedicated to the rural SME community. The analysis was based on five national workshops that explored a number of areas, including: the current level of awareness of e-Government services, actual levels of usage of these services, and rural SME training needs to encourage them to use e-Government services for business benefit.
These workshops took place as part of the Rural-eGov project – a collaborative European project funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme and focused on improving the uptake of e-Government services in rural areas across Europe. Rural-eGov is a pilot project of 24 months duration, which started in October 2006.

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